「三分一」在數理上是「有理數」的組合,除不盡的循環小數,好比自然環境的生生不息的循環。相對於城市裡的「風景」,卻往往只能與「逝去」拉上關係,繼而人們只能牽著「回憶」與 「遺忘」,旁觀自己生活的城市風景。「三分.一風景」展覽分別展出三位藝術家因城市生活風貌的變遷,所引發其對現代化環境那種「逝去」又「再生」的獨特詮釋。
都市化的香港使人與城市產生了一種耐人尋味的張力。城市風景的再次構想,陳佩玲從自身的生活環境感受城市的變化,細說城市空間裡的故事,以創新概念闡述時代轉變的印記,把所感覺的、期望的投射於作品上。陳以古老的顯影方法(藍曬印相法),利用陽光和時間創作, 透過城市如何被觀看、被解讀、用藝術家獨特的語言重新演繹、揭示我們存在的本質。
「蓬萊」總會配上「仙景」,這可會只是我們幻想出來的理想國度嗎?陳罡毅作品流離於大自然循環與城市發展兩者之間,希望尋找當中真正的平衡點。 也許結論就是 ─ 我們需要不斷學習!作品利用城市的影像和學習的填色板上, 讓在蓋上顏料前,不帶偏見地思考、在填色板上反思、在印象中填色, 再問一問 : 我們真的要這樣改變嗎?
我們這一代,生活在繁華的城市裡,見證著高樓聳立、 屏封樓的宏偉,取代了藍天白雲;拆遷重建,打散了我們生活中的人民風貌,換來高樓高價,窩居劏房,營營役役……這種種的城市風貌,蘊含了都市發展的變幻。 三位藝術家,各自以不同的角度,透露出他們眼中的城市風景,希望尋找理想中的蓬萊。
“1/3” in mathematics is the combination of two rational numbers but is eventually an infinite decimal. Such an endless feature, more or less, equivalents to the ecological cycle of nature. However, the life of a city relates only to “death”, which could only be associated with through “memory” and “forgetting” while looking at our current city life. The exhibition “1/3l VIEWS” is going to show such changes of city view through the different and unique perspectives from three young artists.
Kenny Leung’s work likes the snapshot of travelling in memory. Using city buildings as his main element, the artist is going to show his view of the “dismantling”, “restructuring” and then “re-constructing” city lifecycle. Through the exquisite lines which depicting traces of buildings and life, audience are led to look at the forgotten urban landscape from another perspective while re-constructing the lost memories.
Urbanization in Hong Kong has created a tangled tension between the people within and the city itself. The re-examination of city view has led Peggy to look from her self-experienced changes of life caused by the evolvement of city. Peggy attempts to use an innovative way to interpret these signs of changes by elaborating stories happened within the city space; thus projecting her feelings and expectations. Peggy uses the traditional cyanotype printing method together with sunshine and time to create her work. Artist uses her own language to express her view and interpretation of the city in order to re-construe and unseal the essence of our existence.
The Wonderland is always accompanied by “fantasy”. Would this only be our imagined ideal kingdom? Chris Chen’s work wanders between the natural ecology and city development seeking for a real balance. The conclusion perhaps is: we need to keep on learning! Chen’s works uses the images of city and the colour palatte, allowing independent thought, rethinking and imagining how to fill the colours; then ask, “Do I really need this change?”
Our generation, living in this bustling city, witness how high-rise towers has replaced the blue sky; how relocating and rebuilding broken our city life quality by bringing in high property prices and cage-houses, repeatedly, these changes of city view contains the underlying city developments. Three artists, each with a different perspective, depict their city views looking for their Wonderland.
Copyright © 2013 Peggy CHAN . All rights reserved.