The 2nd “CAFAM‧Future” exhibition: OBSERVER – CREATOR Movement/ Voyage: When the Reality Representation of Emerging Artist Converge in Hong Kong Co-organized by CAFA Art Museum and K11 Art Foundation 18 years on from Hong Kong’s reunification with China and under “One Country, Two Systems”, the sense of dissociation and distance between the Special Administrative Region and the Mainland continues to increase. The “CAFAM‧Future” exhibition series seeks to investigate the cultural production of China in its entirety, including the regions of Hong Kong and Taiwan. Addressing continued progressions in China, the exhibition documents the contemporary art scene of the nation. One that is moving towards a dominating curatorial course, and the effects this has for art makers. The exhibition was originally shown in Beijing in January 2015, in its second reiteration to be launched in Hong Kong, “CAFAM‧Future” will respond to the specificities of location, pursuing an exploration of the cultural differences that lie between the city and the Mainland. Of the 95 artists’ works shown in Beijing, the pieces by 33 artists will be exhibited in Hong Kong, in pursuance to the directions of leading Chinese institutions. Themed around OBSERVER – CREATOR, “CAFAM‧Future” features the works of an emerging generation of artists and the development of new art forms. Produced in a breadth of mediums including; painting, installation, video, mixed media and more, the interdisplinary practices involve critical themes such as lighting, religion and philosophy. Each youthful artistic voice intensifies and reveals the profundity of culture in China. 第二屆“ CAFAM未來展”: 創客創客 - 移動/驛動: 從中國青年藝術的現實表徵到香港相遇後的改變 由中央美術學院美術館及K11 Art Foundation合辦,旨在發掘並扶持富有天賦和潛質的中國青年藝術人才,建立中國青年藝術的資料檔案庫,提升中國當代藝術在國內及國際藝術界的影響力,從而成為一個推動中國青年藝術的核心平臺。本屆展覽以北京為首站於本年一月分展出,接續到達香港和上海;香港站作為“ CAFAM未來展” 在中央美術院美術館以外的首次展出,別具意義。展覽配合一系列的教育活動,呼應培育青年藝術家的宗旨,包括創客創客主題論壇﹑主題沙龍﹑藝術家工作室探訪計畫﹑創客工作坊﹑兒童藝術創作坊及青年藝術家駐留計劃。 Director: Xu Bing, Wang Huan Sang Curator: Li Zhenhua , Cai Meng ,Wei Sheng , Wang Chunchen Add This Button BEGIN 总策展:徐冰、让·德·卢瓦奇(Jean de Loisy) 艺术总监:王璜生 艺术顾问: 郑志刚 策展团队:王春辰、盛葳、李振华、蔡萌 |

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